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A Look Back at Summer Honors Institute 2024

The 2024 Summer Honors Institute, hosted at Clemson University, saw members, advisors, and alumni take on mock projects and annual training, make new connections, and reconnect old friends. This year members were randomly placed in teams that banded together to complete a condensed Honors in Action project, an impressive task in such a short period. Despite the sweltering heat and the challenges that presented along the way, Carolinas Region members managed to explore various themes under our new Honors Study Topic and present some fantastic project concepts. This exploration of The Power of Stories allowed members to dive deep into the process of research, development, and project write-up to help them gain insight and strategies they can share with their chapters in the coming year. In addition to exploration of the new Honors Study Topic, attendees enjoyed guest speakers: Sam Brown, Jayna Burch, and Philip White who imparted the lessons and wisdom gleaned through their personal stories.

As always, our amazing Alumni Association, Alpha Omega, provided expert guidance during our HIA explorations. They also facilitated the widely anticipated Readers Theater and Regional Debate. This year's debate saw members from a number of chapters square up around the topic and ended in a surprise draw between Team Pro and Team Con. Both events were highly enjoyed by both participants and attendees and remain a highlight of the Honors Institute experience. Alpha Omega also provided an excellent Merch Mart full of PTK swag, the proceeds of which go to fund upcoming Carolina's Region scholarships. Their contributions to this year's event stand as a testament to the tremendous impact our amazing Alumni Association has on our region. Alpha Omega: we love you; we appreciate you, and as always thank you for all that you do for us!

Reflecting on the overall experience your regional leadership team recognizes that we are always presented with opportunities to improve. The feedback of our members is vital to our continued efforts to grow as leaders and provide the best programming for our members possible. We want to thank everyone who has provided feedback about their experience the good and the not-so. We hear you, Carolinas! Your Regional Officers are looking forward to beginning our work for our next event.... coming very soon! With that said, if you have not had an opportunity to share your thoughts with us, please take a moment to fill out our feedback form here: Honors Institute Feedback Survey (

You can also reach out to your leadership team by email at or to your Regional Vice President of Public Relations at Thank you all to our members, advisors, guests, hosts, and leadership for making this year's Honors Institute an unforgettable learning experience.

Hope you all have a great summer break! Stay cool Carolinas!

Article By: Carol Boice - Regional Vice President of Public Relations


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